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Rudra Centre is a leading brand supplying authentic & reasonably priced Rudraksha, Gemstones & items used in Hindu puja.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Three mukhi Rudraksha represents "Fire" God Agnidev. Wearing of this rudraksha frees the person from bondages of his Past birth karma. Wearer is protected from diseases, obstacles and failures. Removal of past birth karma allows the wearer to get all the success he wants in this birth by karma in this birth. It is said that the wearer of 3 mukhi never takes birth again, means he gets Moksha. Agnidev rules over planet Sun, so this rudraksha removes malefics of Sun.
The Sun is a general significator for health, strength and vitality on a chart. More specifically, it relates to the bones, right eye, sight, heart and stomach. Afflictions of the Sun can cause headaches, fever, Pitta diseases (which can manifest in the liver and gall bladder), bone problems, baldness, deficient blood circulation, heart problems, eye disease or stomach disease. On a psychological level the Sun rules the Self and personality and its affliction can cause low self-esteem, weak personality, ego conflicts or irritability. 
3 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is known to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha for stopping all problems created in the past and existing in the present moment and about to take place in the Future. This Rudraksha Bead combined with appropriate Mantras helps to dramatically change a persons life for the better in the 40 days it takes to complete an initial Mantra Discipline. The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is a life saver. The wearer feels its influence by attaining success in his efforts, favourable means, learning and knowledge. Its best virtue is that it makes the wearer free from chronic fever certainly. It contains the Trinity of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.

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