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Rudra Centre is a leading brand supplying authentic & reasonably priced Rudraksha, Gemstones & items used in Hindu puja.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Five mukhi represents Rudra Kalagni. Jabaloupanishad states it as form of Lord Brahma also. This highly auspicious rudraksha is important for people who wish to discover their higher selves meaning UpaGuru. This it is extensively used in malas for wearing and chanting mantras. Effects all major chakras and give health and peace. Removes malefics of planet Jupiter.
Five Mukhi Rudraksha monitors blood pressure and cardiac ailments. Recommended for liver disorder, diabetes, obesity, ear disorders, laziness, feet and hips problems.
5 mukhi Rudraksha is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. The wealth, in the form of learning that man gains in the world, should be apparent and permanent only then it is meaningful. Five faced Rudraksha is useful for this purpose. In the long run we lose our power to maintain the learning that we have gained and at last it vanishes. We forget the acquired learning or cannot remember the lost learning only after wearing the five facedRudraksha. Agni (fire) purifies the metals and similarly five faced Rudraksha rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e. the Lord of all creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing its mala the wearer’s mind remains peaceful. There is no suspicion about the fact that the wearer of Five faced Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death.


Four mukhi represents the four faced God Brahma. The wearer gains power of knowledge and creativity when blessed. Expands conciousness, memory power, self power, vocal power, wit and intelligence. Wearer is blessed with powerful eyes, melodious speech and healthy body. Lord Brahma rules over planet Jupiter. So four mukhi removes malefics associated with Jupiter. Also recommended for mental disease, paralysis, ear disorders and nasal disease.
4 mukhi Rudraksha has four linings from head to bottom at equal distance. Its ruling planet is Jupiter. The power of Brahma exists in its whole effectiveness and Divinity. Being influenced by the creative wisdom of the four headed Lord Brahma, it gives the wearer the creative power and provides him learning and knowledge. The dull mined students must wear it. And it is beneficial to scientists, researchers, intellectuals, artists, writers and journalists. In mythology it represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma. Malefic effects of Jupiter include intellectual dullness of mind, lack of grasping and understanding power, difficulty in effective communication and also neurotic conditions of mind. This mukhi also governs logical and concrete and structural thinking. It increases wit and intelligence. If the three beads of four faced Rudraksha are fastened in the right hand nobody can be stand to face to the wearer.


Three mukhi Rudraksha represents "Fire" God Agnidev. Wearing of this rudraksha frees the person from bondages of his Past birth karma. Wearer is protected from diseases, obstacles and failures. Removal of past birth karma allows the wearer to get all the success he wants in this birth by karma in this birth. It is said that the wearer of 3 mukhi never takes birth again, means he gets Moksha. Agnidev rules over planet Sun, so this rudraksha removes malefics of Sun.
The Sun is a general significator for health, strength and vitality on a chart. More specifically, it relates to the bones, right eye, sight, heart and stomach. Afflictions of the Sun can cause headaches, fever, Pitta diseases (which can manifest in the liver and gall bladder), bone problems, baldness, deficient blood circulation, heart problems, eye disease or stomach disease. On a psychological level the Sun rules the Self and personality and its affliction can cause low self-esteem, weak personality, ego conflicts or irritability. 
3 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is known to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha for stopping all problems created in the past and existing in the present moment and about to take place in the Future. This Rudraksha Bead combined with appropriate Mantras helps to dramatically change a persons life for the better in the 40 days it takes to complete an initial Mantra Discipline. The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is a life saver. The wearer feels its influence by attaining success in his efforts, favourable means, learning and knowledge. Its best virtue is that it makes the wearer free from chronic fever certainly. It contains the Trinity of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.


Two mukhi represents Ardhanareshwar a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (shakti) and blesses the wearer with 'UNITY' and harmony. It could be related to Guru-Shishya, parents-children, husband-wife or friends. Maintaining ONENESS is its peculiarity. Gives inner happiness and fulfillment.
This rudraksha removes the malefics of planet moon. The moon represents the mind and emotions, it is related with Kapha dosha (and Vata) and is very much related with the fluids of the body, the mucus and phlegm, the blood, the left eye, the sense of taste, the chest area, the lungs. Afflictions to the Moon can be cause mental, psychological and emotional problems, psychiatric diseases, excess or lack of sleep, dullness or laziness.

Two Mukhi 
Rudraksha effectively control the malefic effects of Moon such as diseases of Left eye, kidney, intestine in physical level and in the spiritual level such as lack of harmony in relationship etc. Two facedRudraksha has natural two lines or faces. It is oval in shape and is available in two varieties – Nepal and Haridwar (India).It is the symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). In this image we see both in one body. It brings unity like the family unity in form, speech and Meaning. Being capable of getting riches and virtuous off springs by wearing two facedRudraksha, it’s wearer becomes capable of leading peaceful and sacred life and the wearer’s family finds the reverence and faith continuously increasing among them. Removing the differences of opinions between the Teacher & the pupil, the father and the son, the husband and the wife, and friends, it establishes unity between them. 


Thursday, February 25, 2010


One mukhi rudraksha is Sakshat Siva swarupa. Gives invincibility to the wearer and destroys all evils and sins. The wearer merges with the absolute consciousness of the divine. It is only with grace of Lord Shiva and divine karmas that a person gets to wear this rare bead. One who wears it surely goes to path of Moksha.

The one who worships this bead, gets grace of Mahalaxmi, the Goddess of wealth. It is Shiva Swarupa, the one that fulfills all desires and one that gives Invincibility and finally Moksha to the wearer. It is said in Puranas that one who wears this divine bead gets Darshan of the Lord Shiva immediately. The chakras of the wearer open up and he is connected with the Divine.

This mala is most rare as it has 27 beads of this rare bead strung together. It is the only mala of its kind available till date.
1 mukhi from java is the most authentic one mukhi found till date. Scientifically it has been proved that One mukhi will never be round in shape as the shape of the bead corresponds to the number of mukhis or compartments/seeds inside it. So just as 3 mukhi is conical, 2 mukhi is flat, one mukhi would be half flat. Shiva purana mentioned that shape of One mukhi is like Third eye of Shiva. This bead has a natural hole and one seed. But due to its small size, the hole is not pierced and the bead is strung in a basket design. This bead is found in Indonesia on same trees that produce the rest of the mukhis. It is the most rare of all mukhis produced.



Monday, February 22, 2010


The Tears of Lord Siva that are RUDRAKSHA, are the original Vedic Beads of Power worn by the Yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years to maintain health and to gain self empowerment and fearless life on their path to Enlightenment and Liberation. The many Devotees of Truth who deliberately live their lives according to Eternal Natural Law that is Sanatana Dharma Know that rudraksha beads are a Gift from The Almighty God and are a Natural Birth Right of the Mankind. The Holy rudraksha beads are based in the Absolute Field of Consciousness and they manifest in the Relative Field for the good of all concerned to help relieve sin and suffering and pain world wide. Rudraksha beads have been used for thousands of years as an aid to Self Empowerment and the Fearless Life. Shiva Purana describe Rudraksha's origin as Lord Shiva's tears. He had been meditating for many years for the welfare of all creatures. On opening the eyes, hot drops of tears rolled down and the mother earth gave birth to Rudraksha trees. Lord Siva has many aspects indicated by His 1,008 names Lord Siva is responsible for creation, evolution and dissolution. Lord Siva dances creation out of existence at the end of time and then after an appropriate time He destroys the silence itself by dancing and the activity of His dance gives rise to the appearance of Narayana and causes creation again.

Through the grace of Lord Siva we are able to come to a state where we stop identifying with the Relative aspect of ourselves and come to know our true identity as one with the Absolute. This is the death of death itself. This is immortality. It is the total destruction of all limitation and all sorrow in our lives and this miracle can only be brought about by the power of Lord Siva. That is why He is called Lord Siva the Auspicious One. He destroys our limitations and our fears. He is the very embodiment of total kindness. He is the Lord of Yogis presiding over Transcendental Knowledge.Om Nama Sivaya.

Lord Siva is also known as Rudra and the Lord of Tears. The meaning of the name Rudra is traceable to the Vedas and said to be derived from rud (dravayita) he who drives away sin or suffering.

Eight different aspects of nature are the direct manifestations of Rudra and they are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, The Sun, The Moon and the Life Force. Anything good and auspicious, anything that keeps us healthy and happy and anything that helps us attain freedom from pain and misery is Rudra.

Sri Rudram is one of the five scriptural texts chosen by the ancients for constant repetition and meditation. The five are the Upanishads of one's own Sakha, The Bhagavad Gita, The Vishnu Sahasranama, Sri Rudram and Purusha Suktam.

Vedic Literature states

As by pouring water at the root of a tree, all its branches are nourished, by pleasing Sri Rudra through Rudrajapa, all the Devas are pleased. One attains Bhukti and Mukti, enjoyment of life as well as freedom from the ills of the world by the chanting of Sri Rudram with devotion

To the Rudra who is in fire, who is in water, who is in trees and plants, who has entered into the entire universe, to that Rudra let our salutations go

Vedic Literature shows that the Rudraksa Bead was created from the tears of Rudra, the fierce form of Lord Siva thus endowing it with medicinal and Spiritual Powers. Each of the many types of Rudraksa Beads have a governing Diety and specific powers and properties.

Two of the most important rules to be observed in the Asta avarana that are the eight aids or protections are the uttering of the five syllabled formula or Mantra that is Namah Sivaya and the wearing of the Sacred Rudraksha.