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Rudra Centre is a leading brand supplying authentic & reasonably priced Rudraksha, Gemstones & items used in Hindu puja.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This rudraksha is form of Goddess earth. Katyani tantra mentions that wearer of this bead gets health, strength and intelligence and prosperity from mother earth. Thus it is very beneficial for people dealing in real estate, or those who wish to sell or buy properties for themselves. If mother earth is pleased, She bestows many blessings. By blessings of Mother earth, the wearer always remains in abundance of health and wealth.

Katyani tantra also mentions that if this bead is worn by a lady who is unable to conceive or is prone to abortion, she is blessed with a healthy child.

For: Those who deal in real estate and those who wish to prosper from land/properties. Also for good health and for woman desiring to have children.

Beeja Mantra: Om Hreem Shreem Vasudhaye Swaha
Wearing mantra: Om Hreem Hoom Ektatva rupe Hoom Hreem Om



This Rudraksha is ruled by Vishakarma, builder of this Universe. Wearer of this Rudraksha gets fruits of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha Wearer lives with immense power and divine magnetism. Very useful for project leaders, businessmen and political leaders and people desiring growth in career and luck. Gets freedom from diseases, losses, sadness and fears. Gives fulfillment of all desires related to getting a life partner , progeny, good luck and prosperity. Removes obstacles in path and gives immense prosperity. According to Katyani tantra this rudraksha is ruled by Mata Katyani who is sixth form of Goddess Durga. Wearer of this rudraksha is blessed with immense fortune, sudden wealth, fulfillment of all materialistic desires and and freedom from diseases.

Mantra: Om Hreem Hoom Hoom Namah




16 mukhi rudraksha is Mahamrityunjaya form of Lord Shiva. This rudraksha is form of Mahakal. The wearer becomes fearless & gets victory against the most fearsome of diseases and adverse circumstances . A home in which this rudraksha is kept is free from thefts ,fire and accidents . It protects from physical illness due to placement of planets. If one has fear of loss of a loved one or fear of loss of name & fame or loss of faith in oneself or fear of death, then one should wear the Mahamrityunjaya rudraksha which is 16 mukhi.
Mahakal is fearsome form of Lord Shiva which He assumed when Sati burned herself in fire. Even Yama the Lord of Death turns back from the wearer of this rudraksha.

Mantra: Om Hreem Hoom Namah



Wednesday, April 07, 2010


The most powerful Healing technique on planet Earth. “Energy transfer from the source”.
Cosmic healing is a holistic approach to facilitating the return journey to health. It involves tracing the cause of any suffering through the physical and emotional symptoms to its roots deep within our psyche.

Our natural flow of energy always moves towards perfect health and well-being. However, when faced with difficulties in our life which we find too painful to accept, we tend to hold this unresolved energy in our aura. This creates blockages in our energy field which then depletes our vitality and can lead to ill-health and suffering.
Healings provided for:
• Dissolving karmic blockages.
• Uplifting consciouness.
• Connecting to the divine love.
• Activating DNA.
• Healing degenerated tissues & energies.
• Healing emotional & mental traumas.
• Resolving disharmony between couples (one of the members needs to be present).
• Resolving harmony between family members (one of the members needs to be present).
• Disease therapy.
• Removal of evils/black magic/spells.
• Removing negativity of a house.
• Healing broken hearts.
• Healing chakras.

The channeling of energy is described by the recipient as “an electrical-like surge, a slight tingling sensation, emanating from his hand as he moves it above the body”, while others aren’t that sure of a certain feeling, but will say that “there is definitely something going on”.

As spiritual energy is not limited by time and space, distant healing becomes possible. For healing to happen, all that is needed is for you to be open and trusting.

The session involves direct transfer of divine energy in the recipient’s body. Sometimes there are dramatic improvements in only one or two sessions, but it is best thought of as a series of sessions that can go beyond physical health to spiritual evolution.


Q. "I do not believe in cosmic healing, or channeling of energy at all. Do you have any proof that this is real?"
When you realize that everything has electromagnetic fields and everything in universe is simple ENERGY, cosmic healing should be an obvious thing.

Q. "Do you have to be open to cosmic healing in order to benefit from it?"
It surely helps when people are open to the energy, but the healing process will start in skeptical people as well.

Q. "How does it work?"
We merely channel energy and passes it on to the client’s body. The energy is very powerful and intelligent. The energy will go to the aura first (aura healing), and then going through the chakra’s to the physical body. There it will not treat symptoms, but directly affects the cause of health issues (which is the concept of cosmic healing). It takes away all and any blockades in the energy system (like it is done with acupuncture) and starts to affect smaller issues like stress and pain.

Q. "Where does this energy come from?"
The energy comes directly from the source (the universe). We only channelise it. We have no control over the destination of the energy or the quantity, but merely is a medium for it. All we can say for sure is that the energy is a positive energy that has a healing capacity.

Q. "Can I be healed in one session?"
It really depends on the nature of the problem and your openness to receiving the cosmic energy. A tumor that has been growing inside the body for a long time cannot be removed in an hour. A peptic ulcer that has been giving problems for 30 years will also not be cured in an hour. However, there are lots of smaller ailments that will be cured in a single session, like stress or small infections.
It can happen that a client feels that the pain is coming and going for a while, or that it temporarily gets worse before it is healed. It can also happen that the pain and stress are gone after one session, but the cause of the problem has not been healed yet. It might then feel like all is alright, but you do need more sessions.
This is different for each case and we will give personal advice on this.