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Rudra Centre is a leading brand supplying authentic & reasonably priced Rudraksha, Gemstones & items used in Hindu puja.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This bead is form of Lord Pashupatinath. This rudraksha bead heals the heart chakra. The wearer gets freedom from grief, loneliness, depression and ailments related to the heart. Wearer gets fulfillment of his innermost desires, success, name and fame. The wearer elevates himself from wordly attachments and can focus on knowledge, creation and wealth generation.
Pashupatinath Shiva is Lord of animals. He kills the animal instincts within us which is desire to possess and expectations from others.

For: Those suffering from symptoms of blockage of heart chakra due to expectations from others which manifests as Grief, feeling of neglect, loneliness and depression at the emotional level. Physical ailments can manifest as fevers, asthma, diabetes, allergies, heart ailments, lung problems, dysfunction of thymus or immune gland, problems in circulatory system, common cold, blood pressure, anaemia, giddiness, sinus disorders, respiratory illness or hypertension. Also for diseases of blood cancer, epilepsy, tuberculosis, Multiple Sclerosis and jaundice which manifest due to blockage of heart chakra.

The 15 Mukhi is a very rare rudraksha. This represents Lord Pashupati and is specially beneficial healing the heart. 15 face Rudraksha is a Highly Auspicious Rudraksha that influences the gaining of Mukti from Paasha and helps to prevent the loss of attainment of Moksa in this lifetime. Fifteen faced Rudraksha also pacifies emotional disturbance in the mind caused by the limitations caused by Paasha or bondage. The Lord Pashupati Rudraksha supports the Spiritual Path to Moksa in this physical lifetime and enhances Rudra Consciousness that is an aspect of Consciousness based in the process of actively destroying ignorance, suffering and pain that is produced by bondage and or attachment.



14 mukhi Rudraksha is the most precious divine gem - Deva Mani. It is said to have born from the third eye of Lord Shiva. It is ruled by Lord Shiva Himself and mighty Hanuman. The wearer is honoured by Gods due to the merit of this rudraksha. It awakens the sixth sense organ by which the wearer foresees the future happenings. Its wearer never fails in his decisions. Its wearer gets rid of all the calamities, miseries, worries. It protects from ghosts, evil spirits and black magic. It provides the wearer safety, security and riches and self power.
In Ramayana it is mentioned that Hanuman saved the nine planets during the war from the clutches of King Raavana. And as a favor for saving them, the planets blessed Lord Hanuman by saying that any malefic effects of the 9 planets can be averted by praying to Lord Hanuman alone. It is a very powerful antedote for Saturn miseries and provides miraculous cures to several ailments. This bead when worn on third eye region (between eyebrows) awakens the Ajna chakra which is the seat of intuition & spiritul awakening. When worn on chest or upper right arm it provides relief from Saturn miseries.

Affects entire psychological and physical neurophysiology regarding malefic effects of Saturn which are weakness, colic pain, handicapidness, pain in bone and muscles, paralysis, long term disease, impotency, worries and hopelessness. Miseries pertaining to body, finance and mental set-up.



Monday, March 29, 2010


13 mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Lord Indra and Lord Kamadeva. When invoked, showers all possible comforts of life one can ever desire. It gives riches and honor and fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies) Lord Kamadeva (Cupid, God of Love) pleases with the wearer and fulfills all wordly desires. Gives hypnotic power of attraction (Vashikaran) to the wearer and blesses him with charisma , power and material gains. This works best when worn in combination with 2 mukhi rudraksha.

13 mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the king Indra. Lord Indra becomes happy, if it is worn. It gives riches. If a man wears, he is upgraded, his honour increases. It fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies), and the god cupid (Kamdeva) pleases with the man who wears it. "Kartikeya samo gyeye sarva Kaamarth Sidhidah." This Rudraksha provides all attainments connected with chemical science. The researchers of medical science reach new horizons of success by wearing this thirteen face Rudraksha.

Nobody can face the wearer of this Rudraksha during any debate is also an accepted truth.



12 mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Sun. The wearer gets limitless administrative capacity. He gets the quality of the sun - to rule and to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. Good for ministers, politicians, administrators, businessmen and executives. Removes worry, suspicion and fear. Increases self image and motivation. Gives happiness and material gains and protects from accidents and misfortune.
The Sun is a general significator for health, strength and vitality on a chart. More specifically, it relates to the bones, right eye, sight, heart and stomach. Afflictions of the Sun can cause headaches, fever, Pitta diseases, bone problems, baldness, deficient blood circulation, heart problems, eye disease or stomach disease. On a psychological level the Sun rules the Self and personality and its affliction can cause low self-esteem, weak personality, ego conflicts or irritability.

The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is the Centre of Brilliancy and Lustre and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The Sun (SURYA). The wearer of this Rudraksha gets the quality of Surya to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. This Rudraksha gives knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures and is found miraculously effective. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most important Rudraksha to be worn by any person who needs to attract knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures. This Rudraksha is the most useful for the administrators. The person who wears the 12 Mukhi Rudraksha gets administrative capacity limitlessly. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha must be worn by politicians and businessmen and aspirants of name and fame. Wearing 12 mukhi Rudraksha increases self image and motivation. Gives happiness and material gains and protects from accidents.

The 12 Gifts of Surya::

Om Mitraya Namaha

Light of Universal Friendship

Om Ravaye Namaha
Light of Compelling Radiance

Om Suryaya Namaha
Dispeller of Darkness or Ignorance 

Om Bhanave Namaha
Shining Principle

Om Khagaya Namaha
All Pervadeing Light

Om Pushne Namaha
Light of Mystic Fire

Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha    
Golden Colored One Healing Gold

Om Marichaye Namaha 
Light obvious and subtle as at dawn and dusk

Om Aditaya Namaha
Light of the Sage an aspect of Vishnu

Om Savitre Namaha
Light of Enlightenment

Om Arkaya Namaha
Light That Removes Afflictions

Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Brilliance The Light of Intelligence


Rudra Centre is the first organisation in the world to be awarded the prestigious ISO 9001: 2000 certification for the following Religious items:

• Rudraksha •  Yantra • Gemstones • Hindu Puja Items

So, now you can be more assured about the authenticity of all the items supplied by Rudra Centre.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010


11 mukhi is ruled by Lord Hanuman who is the 11th incarnation of Lord Rudra. According to Srimaddevibhagawad , Lord Indra also rules this bead. According to ancient texts the fruit obtained after performing 1000 Ashavamedh Yagya and 100 Vajpaye Yagya is obtained instantaneously by wearing this bead. The wearer is blessed with wisdom, right judgment, control over all senses, powerful vocabulary, adventurous life, fearlessness and success. It helps in Meditation and yoga sadhanas and one who wears this during Sadhana becomes a Param Yogi and achieves liberation. The wearer gets power, name and fame and material comforts. This powerful bead is worn to provide relief from all planets.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Ten mukhi rudraksha is ruled by Lord Mahavishnu, Yama (God of death), Dus Mahavidyas and the ten directions. One who sees it or wears it gets eternal peace. This rudraksha works like a shield on one’s body and the wearer gets immense protection from negative energies. Pacifies all the nine planets and blesses the wearer with abundance, name and fame. This rudraksha is mentioned in ancient texts as one of the most powerful rudraksha.
Lord Vishnu, major god of Hinduism and Indian mythology, popularly regarded as the preserver of the universe. Some Puranic literature refers to him as the eternal, all-pervading spirit and associates him with the primeval waters believed to have been omnipresent before the creation of the world. So regarded, Vishnu is depicted frequently in human form, sleeping on the great serpent Shesha and floating on the waters. One hand holds a lotus; a second holds a conch; a third holds a discus (which always returns by itself after being thrown); and the fourth carries a mace. The petals of the lotus are believed to symbolize the unfolding of creation; the conch is said to symbolize that from which all existence originates; and the discus and the mace reputedly were obtained by Lord Vishnu as rewards for defeating the God Indra.

Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter IV, Narayana said- 21 Ten Mukhi Rudraksa is Visnu and removes all the tears and troubles due from planets, evil powers and snakes.



Nine mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Navdurga according to Jabaloupanishad and ruled by Bhairav according to various Shastras. The wearer is blessed with lots of energy, powers, Dynamism and fearlessness, which are useful to live a life of success. Gives Bhogha (worldly comforts) and Moksha (liberation). Removes fear of death.
Removes malefics associated with planets Rahu. Rahu in particularly rules over poison, intoxication, addictions, compulsive behavior, worries, fears, phobias, most psychological and psychiatric disorders.
9 mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the Goddess Durga (Shakti). It contains the power of Nine Deities. The worshippers of the supreme power Shakti must wear this Rudraksha. All the Rudraksha are the symbol of Lord Shiva but Nine faced Rudraksha contains special Nine qualities. It increases self-power. It makes us concentrate our mind and it also creates the belief that as by hiding the head into the lap of mother, all the fears of a child finish, similarity its wearer becomes fearless. The blessings of the Mother remain with him who always wears it. Nine faced Rudraksha gives the wearer both devotion and salvation. When invoked, the mother Goddess blesses the wearer with lot of energy, powers, Dynamism and fearlessness, which are useful to live a life of success. Gives Bhoga and Moksha. It's ruling planet is Rahu (Dragon's head).



Eight mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Ganesha. Removes all obstacles in all works and brings success in all undertakings. His opponents are finished, means their minds and intentions are changed to favourable ones. It gives the wearer all kinds of attainments - Riddhies and Siddhies and leadership qualities. This rudraksha is also ideal for those who are involved in writing and other creative pursuits.
Ganesha rules over planet Ketu, hence wearing this rudraksha removes malefics of planet Ketu. A malefic ketu may cause injuries, accidents, surgery and diseases.

8 mukhi Rudraksha is the second form of reflection of the first son of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh and is one who is worshipped prior to other gods. Eight linings present on it makes it a very effective Rudraksha. Its wearer becomes unaffected by miseries – physical, divine or mental. It sets the wearer free from the sin caused by telling a lie. It gives the wearer all kinds of attainments – Riddhies and Siddhies and leads him to Shivloka. His opponents are finished i.e. the minds or intentions of his opponents are changed and all obstacles in his path are removed. Ganesha rules over planet Ketu, hence wearing this rudraksha removes malefics of planet Ketu. A malefic ketu may cause injuries, accidents, surgery and diseases. Wearing 8 faced rudraksha keeps a check on the malefic effects of the planet Ketu. Ideal for writers and intellectuals.


Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Seven mukhi Rudraksha represents Goddess Mahalaxmi and Padma purana mentions it being ruled by Kamadeva. Good health and wealth is blessed to him who wears Seven Faced Rudraksha. It should be worn by those who are suffering from Saturn miseries. By wearing Seven Faced Rudraksha the person progresses steadily in life with name and fame and abundance. 7 mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Anang shiva. Seven faced rudraksha is saptmatradhi Daivat, saptashyadevat and saptmuni Daivat. It represents Goddess Mahalaxmi. Good health and wealth is blesses to him who wears Seven Faced Rudraksha. Those who are suffering from miseries pertaining to body, finance and mental set-up should wear it. By wearing seven face Rudraksha man can progress in business and service and spend his life happily. Seven mukhi rudraksha may be worn on a regular basis. It affects entire psychological and physical neurophysiology. It sublimates the malefic effects of Shani. There is no taboo written in authentic Puranas to be followed while wearing them. They have a life of thousand years if well taken care of. They should be preserved in a locker or at some safe place since they are considered as very valuable.



Six mukhi rudraksha represents Lord Kartikeya, the second son of Lord Shiva. It saves from the emotional trauma of worldly sorrows and gives learning, wisdom, knowledge. Wearer is blessed with health and abundance and auspiciousness in all spheres. Increases will power and vocal power. Lord Kartikeya rules over planet Mars, so wearing this rudraksha removes malefics associated with planet mars.
Mars represents the muscles, head, virility, bone marrow, sight, bile, blood pressure, hemoglobin, injuries, accidents, violence, as well as general vigor and vitality. The afflictions and influences of Mars on other organs can cause cuts, wounds, surgery, injury by weapons, itching of the skin, bone fractures, hemorrhoids, miscarriages and abortions. In the psychological level it can create an aggressive or violent nature and even crime. 
6 mukhi Rudraksha is the center of the power of Lord Shiva’s second son, Kumar Kartikeya. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge and increases will power. Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. A combination of four face Rudraksha and six face Rudraksha enhances the vocal & mental power of the wearer amazingly. It is very good for company managers, businessmen, journalists and editors etc. Lord Kartikeya rules over planet Mars, so wearing this Rudraksha removes malefics associated with planet Mars. The afflictions and influences of Mars can cause cuts, wounds, surgery, injury by weapons, itching of the skin, bone fractures, hemorrhoids, miscarriages and abortions. Wearing six Mukhi rudraksha helps in controlling the malefic effects of Mars and increases the concentration. Six Mukhi rudraksha is very dear to Lord Kartikeya and is the source of his energy.
