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Monday, December 27, 2010



Marriage is a Sacred Bond and Pledge. A person’s real journey of self- growth from self-centeredness to other-centeredness begins with marriage. The virtues of love and devotion, self-control and sacrifice, piety and forbearance, etc. have ample opportunities to develop fully in married life. In order to inculcate this objective, Vedas advise the bridegroom to proclaim:

Gribhnami te saubhagatvaya hastam mayapatya jardastirayathasah|
Bhagoaryyamma savita purandhiramahyam tvadurgaharpatya devah|| 

That is – “Oh dear! On this auspicious occasion of our life, I take your hand in mine in the presence of invoked deities. Oh blessed woman! You be with me as a fortunate partner for a very long time. I hand over the control of my family in your hands, discharge your duties joyously.”

The Scripture says –
Tavehi vivahavahai saha reto dadhavahai|
Prajam prajanayavahai putran vindavahai bahun|| 

That is – “The purpose of marriage is to live a mutually love-filled life and to provide the nation with virtuous and worthy offspring.” It is in order to keep this tradition alive that the wedding is given the shape of a sacramental rite in vedic tradition.